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Brand and Web Design

BePresentPDX Homepage Desktop Mockup

Project Overview

Brand and website design for a client in the coaching/consulting industry who is starting a new business. Focusing on stakeholder goals and creating a website that fosters trust and transparency.

The Problem

Growth Oriented individuals, seeking professional guidance around a change in their lives struggle with finding someone who understands their perspective and empowers them in the decision making process. They’re concerned about investing a lot of time, money, and effort into a program that might not be a good fit or help them achieve their goals.

The Solution

Create a website with a strong mission and include content that highlights a personalized coaching approach. Utilize uplifting imagery and language that encourage connection while also showing the benefits of engaging in a coaching partnership.


My client, BePresentPDX, provides creative coaching and consulting to growth-oriented individuals facing change in their lives. This is a new part-time business for the owner and he wants a website that showcases his philosophy and services, and provides an easy way for clients to get in touch. 


The owner of BePresent PDX emphasizes a personal and holistic approach and wants to convey this through imagery and written content.

Grey and green box with roles

Brand & Web Designer, Project Manager 

BePresent PDX's Role

Create written content, provide project feedback

My Role
Grey and green box with team

1 Brand & Web Designer

Client, BePresentPDX

Grey and green box with tools

Figma, Squarespace,

Google Suite, Zoom, Trello

Grey and green box with timeline

November 2022 - April 2023

Design Process
Design Process - Discover Phase Icon


Design Process - Define Phase Icon


Design Process - Ideate Phase Icon


Design Process - Prototype Phase Icon


Design Process - Test Phase Icon


Initial Client Consultation

During the initial client consultation, my client and I discussed his business goals, project scope, website content, and platform options. We agreed to communicate by email and meet if there was anything that needed to be addressed in-depth, and set a tentative project deadline of March 2023. My client’s main goal for the website is to help market and explain services, provide an easy way to access services, and to help educate potential and existing clients about key topics in professional and personal development.

Initial Client Consultation steps. Includes business goals, website content, project timeline, and communication preferences.

Proto Personas

My client and I collaborated and came up with two proto personas that fit his target demographic. These were based on the type of people he thinks will be drawn to his approach as well as the type of clients he wants to attract. 

Proto Persona of a 45 year old senior program manager in the healthcare field. He is looking for a meaningful career and better work life balance.

Brand & Style Direction

Brand Style Guide.jpg

Desktop & Mobile Mockups

BePresentPDXHiFiMockup1_white back.jpg
BePresentPDXMockup2_white back.jpg
BePresentPDXMockup3_white back.jpg
BePresentPDXMockup4_white back.jpg
BePresentPDXMockup5_white back.jpg
Gif of entire homepage

Website Content & Revisions

After building the core of the website based on the existing content, target audience, and my client's goals, BePresentPDX completed the rest of the written content. He said that having the imagery, structure, and headings in place helped with filling in the details. We made some small revisions such as swapping a couple images to more closely reflect his messaging and altered some of the language. 

Case Study Homepage Image.png

Step 1: Built website core based on existing content, target audience, and business info

Homepage Images.png

Step 2: BePresentPXD added details. Revised text based on feedback.

SEO & Website Handoff

After the revisions were completed, I optimized each page for SEO and created a custom 404 page for my client. Squarespace has built in SEO, so I was able to easily add page titles, meta descriptions, alt text, and tags (for the blog). I met with BePresentPDX to hand off their website and provided a tutorial for how to make updates, use his blog, and implement SEO for new content. 

SEO 4.jpg
SEO 5.jpg
SEO 6.jpg

Final Thoughts

It was so wonderful working with my client on his website. I'm happy to say that he is thrilled with his website and really enjoyed collaborating on this project. My client even reached out to me to let me know how many compliments he's gotten on his site. Below, are a couple comments from my client on LinkedIn.


BePresentPDX and I plan to collaborate in the future. If my client needs updates, he asked if he can reach out to me. I look forward to continue supporting my client and can't wait to hear how his business goes.



Japanese garden in Portland, Oregon
Thank you!
Comment from BePresent PDX 2 v.2.png
Comment from BePresent PDX v.2.png
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